c-type print
122 cm x 152 cm on dibond, tray framed
Tuesday 26th visited RA Summer exhibition...ummmm ok I guess, nothing really jumped except the work of photographer/fine artist michael vogt...interesting image..what he says about this series of work.."heterotopian relationships unsettle because they make things appear out of place. the juxtaposition of the unusual creates a challenge to all settled representations. it brings forward the out-of-place and offers it up as a basis for alternative perspectives and orderings. these "collages" of incongruent spaces often stand in opposition to each other, revealing little fragments of forgotten lives, found objects and strange unsettling novel things".
Wednesday 27th..visited in the morning Nan Goldin 'firetrap' at Sprovieri gallery 23 Heddon street..
EXTRACT Slideshows are Goldin’s preferred medium to work in. Fireleap is her latest slideshow, displaying images of children from 1978 until today, most of which have never been shown. Children, primarily for their state of freedom and natural innocence, fascinate Goldin. They make their own rules, living in a free zone utterly their own, like beings from another planet. A series of landscape photographs will also be on view. Goldin, who has traveled extensively, incorporates these photographs in her work as another aspect of personal experience. These photographs are not displayed solely for their aesthetic value, but are primarily a metaphor for larger emotional states. She has been taking them since 1979 but never shared them. “They have been my secret work metaphors for loneliness... (I was) trying to break the glass between the
outside world and me. I had lived in a dark space for 15 years so the landscape was unfamiliar to me, a fascination with an unknown world outside”.
In addition, three recent grid works are exhibited, marking a new approach in Goldin’s work. Concentrating on atmosphere over narrative, these grids reflect on wide-ranging states of being. There is a departure from themes of crisis, trauma, and loss that are prevalent in previous work while elements such as chance, regeneration and humor are present instead. Shape Shifting 1, 2010 portrays rebirth and transformation. A series of double exposures in Double-ex version 2, 2011 show the collision of separate events that took place at di!erent points in time, consequently creating a new reality out of accident. They serve as homage to analog photography in this digital age. In Empty Rooms, Berlin/Hamburg 1983-1996, 2010 uninhabited rooms are presented as a series of portraits. The photographs were taken in old whorehouses, pensions or gay
bars. They are like the people's faces that Goldin wants to remember, places she became intimate with.
outside world and me. I had lived in a dark space for 15 years so the landscape was unfamiliar to me, a fascination with an unknown world outside”.
In addition, three recent grid works are exhibited, marking a new approach in Goldin’s work. Concentrating on atmosphere over narrative, these grids reflect on wide-ranging states of being. There is a departure from themes of crisis, trauma, and loss that are prevalent in previous work while elements such as chance, regeneration and humor are present instead. Shape Shifting 1, 2010 portrays rebirth and transformation. A series of double exposures in Double-ex version 2, 2011 show the collision of separate events that took place at di!erent points in time, consequently creating a new reality out of accident. They serve as homage to analog photography in this digital age. In Empty Rooms, Berlin/Hamburg 1983-1996, 2010 uninhabited rooms are presented as a series of portraits. The photographs were taken in old whorehouses, pensions or gay
bars. They are like the people's faces that Goldin wants to remember, places she became intimate with.
1:30 Attended Interface 2011 at UCL...unfortunalty did not stay completely wrong venue and felt out of my depth...so that was that...ended up watching a film instead-miserable!!
Thursday 28th 11am headed to Peckham Rye to visit sculpture exhibition showing on level 7-10 on a disused multi-storey car park...brilliant concept!
a bit about it...Founded in 2007, Bold Tendencies has welcomed over 45,000 visitors in 2010 (30,000 in 2009).15 large-scale new works by international artists have been commissioned for 2011 by a specially appointed Curatorial Council and will be exhibited for three months.
Bold Tendencies is free to visit and has welcomed audiences from local residents to international tourists. Press feedback has been universally positive, and leading figures from the art world have offered their praise.
The popular Frank’s Cafe & Campari Bar designed by Practice Architecture (Paloma Gormley & Lettice Drake) occupies a temporary building alongside the sculptures on the roof. For 2011 we have commissioned two new structures for the space. 2011 will see the launch of two free audience programmes - a wide-ranging Events Calendar and Education for children and young people.
Bold Tendencies is part of the Cultural Learning Alliance. Bold Tendencies 5 is part of the 2011 ‘Year of Sculpture’, initiated by the Henry Moore Foundation.
and in the afternoon...Has The Film Already Started?is a new suite of collection galleries which highlights ways in which ideas of performance have come to occupy a defining place in art of the last 30 years. These major works explore different approaches to the use of narrative, tableaux and found objects.
For the first time at Tate Britain, a performance work, Marc Camille Chaimowicz’s Partial Eclipse... 1980–2006 will be integrated within the displays. The performance will take place each Saturday afternoon at 3pm. Corin Sworn’s installation Endless Renovation 2010 is also shown within these displays as part of the Art Now series of projects by emerging artists. showed work also by cosy fanni tutti..who I saw at a symposium at Tate Modern..really interesting...heres abit about her work...
Material recently acquired by Tate Archive has also been selected to explore Genesis P-Orridge and Cosey Fanni Tutti’s provocative activity in the 1970s, including the infamousProstitution exhibition at the ICA in 1976. Their work under the name COUM Transmissions has been powerfully influential and illustrates the complex relationship between physical performance and its documentation, representation and legacy.

7:30pm...attended Les Miserables starring Alfie Boe and Matt Lucas...beautiful, I wanted to cry after, felt quite overwhelmed...
Friday 29th walked down to Tate Modern (another warm day) saw the work of...
American artist Taryn Simon. A Living Man Declared Dead and Other Chapters was produced over a four-year period (2008-11), during which Simon travelled around the world researching and recording bloodlines and their related stories. In each of the eighteen ‘chapters’ that make up the work, the external forces of territory, power, circumstance or religion collide with the internal forces of psychological and physical inheritance. The subjects documented by Simon include feuding families in Brazil, victims of genocide in Bosnia, the body double of Saddam Hussein’s son Uday, and the living dead in India. Her collection is at once cohesive and arbitrary, mapping the relationships among chance, blood, and other components of fate. |
until next time left London at 5pm..
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