I was sent this artical today by a colleague..which I thought was interesting in terms of CSM promoting and encouraging autonmous learning amonsgt its students. quote: "The training is very anti-establishment. But that is underpinned by a knowledge of pattern cutting and how clothes hang. It's not an anarchic free-for-all, there's a rigour in terms of the disciplines that go towards making a designer."
Alexander McQueen's work: His 1992 graduate collection, pictured first, was bought by the late fashion icon Isabella Blow (Copyright: CSM and Getty)
The fashion designer Miller, who specialised in knitwear and graduated in 2004, says it has a very hands-off approach to its teaching.
"They leave you to get on with it and that made you so free. There were people who couldn't handle that kind of freedom - they wanted classes and structure but you only saw a tutor once every two weeks.
"I was in from 8.30 in the morning to 8.30 at night. There was a handful of us doing that and it was those people who have gone on to do well. "
And if she wasn't studying, she was working at the McQueen label.
"We didn't have any free time to hang out in the pub. We did have fun but fashion is a competitive environment and you had to put in the work."
What else...
I have been doing quite abit of research for student London trip (11th - 14th October) I believe I have gone through the gallery/musuem directory in the last week...so much good stuff going on, Tacita Dean occupies the turbine Hall at TM, Cornelia Parker at the Whitechapel, curating government images etc and Grayson Perry at the British museum; theres also Postmodernism exhibition, the art of making and Annie lennox at the V&A
Annie Lennox by Satoshi Saikusa, 1991. Image © Satoshi Saikusa
...but in particular is Progidy musician Maxim Reality is staging his first exhibition at Exhibition: MM Art: Lepidop Terror, INC Space, London, September 15-26 2011 . http://www.culture24.org.uk/art/painting+%26+drawing/art364300 unfortuntly we won't get to see it, so instead I am going to upload some more pictures; a constant reminder of what we could have been...
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